Toygeek's Order Stacking service allows you to create one stack, or as we like to call it an "open order."Once created, you can continuously add preorder or in-stock merchandise to your "stack," saving you shipping costs! Stack also allows you to choose when you want any combination of instock items to ship out, and to which address. Order Stacking is also easy to turn on, and once enabled in checkout you can choose if you want to add your items to your stack, or have your instock items ship out immediately. Order Stacking offers ultimate flexibility on what items you want to ship out, when you want them to ship, and to what address you want the items shipped to all while saving on shipping by combine shipping your items!
Toygeek's Order Stacking service allows you to create one stack, or as we like to call it an "open order."Once created, you can continuously add preorder or in-stock merchandise to your "stack," saving you shipping costs! Stack also allows you to choose when you want any combination of instock items to ship out, and to which address. Order Stacking is also easy to turn on, and once enabled in checkout you can choose if you want to add your items to your stack, or have your instock items ship out immediately. Order Stacking offers ultimate flexibility on what items you want to ship out, when you want them to ship, and to what address you want the items shipped to all while saving on shipping by combine shipping your items!
At checkout, you'll automatically default to the Stack ON option. You also have the option to easily change your order to non-stack.
The Add to Stack button will automatically appear on preorder products, and with two clicks, you can easily add more preorders to your stack!
At checkout, you'll automatically default to the Stack OFF option. Orders will be placed as usual, but you will not be automatically adding to your stack, nor will your default preorder start your stack if you don't have one already going. You also have the option to easily change your order to stack.
At checkout, in Billing & Shipping, search for Stack Order.
Once you start a stack, simply click Add to Stack on any preorder item to add it to your existing stack. The Add to Stack button will show up anytime you are logged into My Source, have a stack order already placed and visit any preorder item!
Log in to My Source and click on the Stack Manager tab. From here, you can have any of your in-stock items ship out at any time. With stack, if one item is delayed, you don't have to keep waiting for your other items. Simply go into the Toygeek Ship Manager in My Source and select the items from your stack you want to ship out on a new order. Next, click Ship My Order, and an order is automatically created for you! Now, manufacturer's delays won't keep you from getting your much-wanted figures!
A credit card must be on file to start your stack. Toygeek accepts all major credit cards and PayPal for stack order payments.
All in-stock stack items will be charged the same day they are added to your stack. Preorder items will be charged once they are in stock in the Toygeek warehouse. Preorders cannot be prepaid if they are in your stack. Log in to Stack Manager from My Source and select any combination of in-stock items. Then, have them ship out by generating an in-stock order.
Cancelling Preorder Stacks
Preorder items in your stack can be canceled at any time. Log in to Stack Manager in My Source and select the preorder items you would like to cance
In the event of a declined payment, in-stock items in your stack cannot be canceled and must be paid for within 10 days of being added to your stack or 10 days from their in stock date in our warehouse. In the event of an unpaid PayPal invoice within 3 business days, the credit card on file will be charged. Stacked items that are paid for will be held for 180 days. After 180 days, an order will be automatically generated and shipped out. We will send you a reminder before we ship.
Be aware of product delays, as manufacturer's delays are very common. If you are waiting for one item in your stack to come instock to ship everything out, keep this in mind!
Check product release dates frequently, as they often change. If you can't wait any longer, opt for separate shipping and have everything you want to ship now on a separate order. The Toygeek Shipping Manager makes it easy!
You can cancel preorder merchandise in your stack at any time! Instock merchandise cannot be canceled from your stack. If you have any questions on how stack works or need payment options on instock stack merchandise, contact the Toygeek Team as soon as possible, and we will work with you to create a payment plan or other option.
Stack is easy once turned on it will appear as an option in checkout. additionally from any product page you can automatically add items to your stack without going through checkout. Once your stack is up and running, log in to My Source to easily add items to it from any preorder item page.
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