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Manufacturer | Make Toys |
Size | 11.0 inches |
Scale | Deluxe Class |
Series | Mtcombiner |
Packaging |
Alt Mode | Vehicle |
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ToyGeek code: MKTQUANT
WARNING: All items sold by Toygeek are intended for adult collectors. Items may have small parts or other elements not suitable for children under 16 years old.
Customer Reviews
4 out of 5 stars overall
Needmore, PA
March 21, 2021
Brittle plastic, overly complex design, misalignments. Just a straight up bad combiner. I like the overall look but the implementation of it was horribly bad. Material is super cheap plastic.
Alexandria, LA
September 05, 2020
Could not find any faults. I would love a larger combiner at least 15in. and better design vehicle modes for light speed and nose cone.
Brooklyn, NY
June 29, 2020
I gave this 4 stars because the transformations for each of the 5 figure can be complex. Some pegs are hard to get in. Some ratchet joints are very tight. My thumbs hurt a lot from playing with these figures. Quantron looks awesome, but the progression to get him there can be a pain.
Lenexa, KS
April 20, 2020
This isn't bad, but it's definitely dated. Transformations are not consistent, one figure is super easy another is difficult and feels like you're about to break it. Combine mode feels wobbly but hasn't fallen over with a year on the shelf.
Champlin, MN
March 02, 2020
Brittle plastic, misassembly errors aplenty... definitely the worst product I’ve handled from MakeToys. BlindFire is particularly guilty, as his legs were assembled wrong and thus I couldn’t tab the piston in. Then his hand clip snapped. MetalStorm’s right shoulder had no tension right out of the box, and SonicDrill was a ragdoll that can’t support his own weight. If I could get replacement parts for him (and I’ll be contacting TFSource after this for that) maybe my review will be a bit more positive, but for now... yikes.
New york, NY
December 03, 2019
I’m really shocked that this has positive reviews. The figures are hard to transform. Then combine mode is even a further nightmare to pull off. It instantly kills the playability of the figure. The instructions aren’t detailed enough so I had to go YouTube to understand what I was to do. Save your money. Get the Unite Warriors Computron.
Hebron, CT
July 10, 2019
Got it for a great price and I'm pleased with what I got. I will say that it can be a pain to combine them and it took me 40 minute to attach one of the arms the first time and that's actually how long it took no joke but it becomes easier after a while. I will also say that this is a figure that you need to be somewhat gentle with because some spots can be stressed and possibly break. Another negative is that the instructions kind of suck and can be very confusing at times. However all in all this is a nice set to have and looks great on the shelf. If you see this guy on sale for a good price I'd say its worth getting I mean I got mine for like 74% off and that was a deal too good to pass up.
Canton, OH
June 20, 2019
I really love this set glad I was able to get it some parts of the transformation are a little tricky but totally worth it in the end
Centennial, CO
February 12, 2019
This set is a ton of fun, but the material feels weak and when I transformed it the first time i broke the clip on one of the fists
Beaverton, OR
December 25, 2018
i bought this very cheaply and im very satisfied
Grand terrace, CA
December 09, 2018
This figure is well worth the price. The detail and transformations alone are fairly involved. When combined this figure is awesome.
Washougal, WA
November 26, 2018
This set is awesome. If you guys didn't pull the trigger on this deal, you missed out shawty.
October 30, 2018
Is not bad, but it is very difficult to transform, I almost broke my fingers. A tank is very difficult to transform into a leg, and plus the foot does not hold in place. His right arm is transformed from an airplane, his legs were initially set incorrectly, so I had to disassemble and rearrange his legs, so that I could assemble my right arm out of this robot. But overall it looks very beautiful.
Stockton, CA
October 24, 2018
Always enjoy transformer product and to have this. To my collection.
Roma, RM
August 24, 2018
Un modello straordinario sotto ogni aspetto: qualità dei materiali, snodi, rifiniture. Una volta combinati i 5 membri tutto va al proprio posto e ci rimane! Nessuna giuntura lenta o traballante. Qualche piccolo problema per la trasformazione di sonic drill, senza dubbio il più complesso dei cinque e con alcuni passaggi sulle istruzioni non molto chiari.. Ma, con un po' di pazienza, ci si riesce. Una volta assemblato il risultato è davvero splendido! Non sarà uno dei combiner più grandi, ma è comunque massiccio e imponente. Sicuramente un pezzo da avere, specialmente per chi come me aveva il computron g1.. Unica nota dolente, qualche sbavatura di colore rosso sulle parti bianche di metal storm. Difetto che comunque rimane ben nascosto in modalità combinata. Veramente molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto!
Sacramento, CA
June 18, 2018
Aesthetically, Quantron is a great looking figure. The detail and overall articulation are excellent. My only critiques are that it's smaller than the other third party combiner sets I've purchased. He's dwarfed by my Ordin, Ares and Transformmission combiners by a good inch and a half. The actual design of the individual figures and how they combine wasn't quite as well thought out as they should have been. This is especially apparent with the leg figures which don't like to stay in leg mode and easily come apart at the slightest movement.
For starters the leg components suffer from weak joints and clips that don't give them any real stability when in combined mode. This means that you will have to fiddle with Quantron's stance in order to make sure that he doesn't fall over at the slightest vibration of your display apparatus because the leg figures easily come apart from their limb modes. Big minus points for that since they are supposed to provide the foundation for Quantron in combined mode.I managed to get him into a good pose for my case that didn't put any extra stress on the leg figures but it took a long while to do that.
Individually the figures look great but are also incredibly difficult and frustrating to transform into their respective modes depending on how you want to display them. The ratcheting joints on Metal Storm are solid but in light of the need to easily pose the combined figure the joints make it very difficult to work with especially considering that the leg component figures do not like to stay in their transformed limb modes. The joints on the limb figures are too loose. Where it was difficult to keep the leg figures together while attaching and posing the combined mode, the arm figures were also difficult to attach to the main torso without the help of a screw driver to push down the locking clips that are supported by a spring in the shoulder connectors. Aside from those general frustrations if your goal was to have Quantron stand tall and proud on your shelf you won't be disappointed by the end result. The overall quality of the figure is only marred by the design of the individual pieces in their joints and transformation modes. Still at a deep discount it's absolutely worth every penny!! Just know it will take a lot of work and patience for you to put the set together!
Dover, NH
March 15, 2018
I've been waiting years to get this set and I can say that I should have gotten it much sooner. This set is just simply amazing.
Glen burnie, MD
March 02, 2018
Looks great! Some of these guys are very straightforward. However, I've had a few issues with mine:
Sonic Drill: One of the knee ratchets was so tight that his leg just snapped off when I was trying to transform him to drill mode. He also has some issues with getting things pegged in properly. One of the gray pieces on the arms also broke off. Also had some difficulty getting the foot to connect properly since his leg broke off.
Overheat: Has strange transformation, but in arm-mode, the fist does not want to stay clipped in (it does not fit snugly) and so his hand is ready to fall out at any given time. I cannot use it to hold a gun, and holding the bow almost takes it off.
Celeratis: One of the spoiler pieces snapped off when I was transforming his arms into leg mode. Stays in place in car mode, but not leg mode. Also guns and wheel pieces will not fit securely into the the slots in leg mode.
Metalstorm and Blindfire: No issues.
Aloha, OR
December 22, 2015
I am glad that the replacement parts for those that ultimately didn't pass Quality, were included.
Lightspeed, certainly needs to have the head mount replaced.
Having owned only three of the Technobots as a child. Scattershot, Strafe, and Nosecone. I will say, that I am very satisfied with Quantron, err. Reformatted Computron. I especially like that with Strafe, you can place his cannons on the shoulder pegs, in fighter mode, and he very much resembles his G1 counterpart. Otherwise, you can go with the wings. Either way, he's fantastic.
Autobots, all around here. Much love for these guys.
Forest hills, NY
December 12, 2015
This set isn't without it's problems - like having to install a bunch of replacement parts out of the box, SonicDrill's vehicle mode not quite solidly pegging in everywhere, and the *super* scary way you have to transformer Overheat's legs (the joints seem strong enough but it terrifies me every time) - but it's really cool regardless. Great detail, great designs on the vehicles and bots, impressive engineering, and a very solid stance when you get everyone put together. All the different weapon options for combine more are really impressive, too.
I'm totally happy with Quantron. Now I just have to save up for Guardia.
Milan, IL
December 02, 2015
This is a great addition for anyone who likes combiners. The replacement parts for the QC issues make a big improvement but there was no note for which parts went to who. I was able to figure it out as I started to combine the bots. The instructions were a little easier to follow compared to the Green Giant because they colored the parts to move in this set. Very happy with the figure overall.
Troy, OH
December 01, 2015
I love the detailed molds and excellent paint apps on each of the figures and the transformations are challenging but fun. The combined mode is well balanced and the rubber on the bottom of the feet make it able to hold some interesting poses. However, what I like best about Quantron is that all combiner parts can be used by Metal Storm (not-Scattershot) in both bot and vehicle mode. There is no pile of left-over combiner parts in any mode! Also, if you want Overheat (not-Afterburner) as the right arm it's a simple task to disassemble the two combiner hands and swap the wrist connectors. That's how I display mine. The only negative thing I have to say about Quantron is that the transformation of Overheat's legs/feet always makes me uneasy. It feels as if they could break if you're not very careful.
Emmaus, PA
April 26, 2015
As others have noted, there are joints that don't move as expected, and in some cases were incredibly stiff. Aside from the not-Strafe, the small figures have transformations that are more complex than is appropriate for the size, especially given that the instructions weren't always clear on what moves where and how. Most of the time I spent working through the instructions, I was expecting something to break off. I've got them all back into vehicle mode and packed away in the box, probably to stay. I'm not going to say it was a bad purchase, but if I had it to do over again, I would spend my money elsewhere.
La, CA
October 17, 2014
Appearance: 5.0
Articulation: 5.0
Transform Complexity: 5.0
Material/Chrome: 5.0
Mold Precision: 4.5
Gear Joint Accuracy: 3.0
Almost all the large gear joint couldn't rotate to a perpendicular/orthogonal angle.
I can never adjust the gear joints of the 2 thighs of the middle large guy to a symmetrical pos.
Finally I have to take the spring and gear out to make it looks better.
I don't know how this could pass the QA.
Overall Rank: 4.0
Henderson, Nevada
October 10, 2014
I want to love this, but I had too many small quality control issues. Several ball joints on heads weren't machined correctly so one is perpetually askew while another two pop off during transformation. The waist articulation on Metal Storm, the main figure, is off so that it never clicks into place centered, making the transformation to jet mode difficult as spots won't stay pegged in. A few parts on two of the figures have issues sliding into place, and a big concern with the Overheat figure is that a rotating piece is made of soft plastic but requires decent force to move it which will create problems with continued use. If this figure wasn't $400 I wouldn't mind, but it is, and if I'm going to pay that kind of money at least 1 out of the 5 figures should be issue free. Also be aware that the limb figures are on the small side, just shy of the deluxe line, but larger than the legend class
Houston, TX
October 09, 2014
Because I can't stop smiling when I look at Quantron. Seriously, the pictures do not do this behemoth justice. You have to have it in front of you. Another amazing feat of engineering from Maketoys. I will say, transforming to combined mode (DANG YOU CELERITAS) was frightening the first time, but be patient because the end result is nothing less than mindboggingly beautiful.
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