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Manufacturer | Toyworld |
Packaging | MISB (Mint in Sealed Box), Case Fresh from a Factory Sealed Case |
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ToyGeek code: TW-ORION-BLACK
WARNING: All items sold by Toygeek are intended for adult collectors. Items may have small parts or other elements not suitable for children under 16 years old.
Customer Reviews
4 out of 5 stars overall
Bossier city, LA
January 20, 2015
sturdy rachet joints
good durable quality plastic
impressive transformation
explicit detail and articulation
CONS: a few stress marks on my Orion, clearance on a few parts when transforming him into truck mode is a lil scary BUT its good quality(please refer to the youtube video for 1st transformation).
PROS: he looks great! evenly weighted and everything is a rachet joint. wonderful poseability and in robot mode the wheel kibble is practically non existant. The only reason I rated him 4 stars is because mine came with a stress mark that could down the road lead to breakage. But please do not let that deter you from getting this one; HE IS A KEEPER; GREAT JOB TOY WORLD
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