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Manufacturer | Mastermind Creations |
Size | 5.5 inches |
Scale | Masterpiece Scale |
Series | Ocular Max |
Packaging |
Alt Mode | Cassette Tape |
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ToyGeek code: OCUMAXJAG
Ocular Max's Jaguar is MP scaled part of OcularMax's perfection series, an impressive 14CM/5.5" long in beast mode. Made of Diecast, ABS, POM, PC and includes instructions, bio card, tape case.
RMX-01 Jaguar stands at a mighty 5.5 tall, is scaled to masterpiece size, and transforms from Cassette Tape to robot and back. RMX-01 Jaguar transforms easily and every part of the figure features durable plastic construction and remarkably smooth articulation.
Don't miss out on this amazing figure and pick up your Ocular Max RMX-01 Jaguar today from Toygeek—your one stop shop for your 3rd Party collecting needs.
WARNING: All items sold by Toygeek are intended for adult collectors. Items may have small parts or other elements not suitable for children under 16 years old.
Customer Reviews
5 out of 5 stars overall
Henderson, NV
November 08, 2017
I’m just doing one for all the ocular max cassette tapes.
Iï¸ think the articulation for all of them are close to perfect. The extra details like Vulture/laser beak’s camera Riot/rumble’s pile driver’s.
In their robot and beast transformations, Iï¸ think they go perfect with the masterpiece robots, especially Soundwave. People can complain in the end of the day of being too big, but my nostalgia comes from watching the cartoon, and rumble and frenzy were waist high not knee high to Soundwave. Laser beak seems a bit big but if you ever gone to an animal park and seen the scale of a vulture to the trainers, these remix birds are on point. And ravage’s shoulder height is higher than the knee. So if you want to display your bots in disguise mode, go right ahead. Iï¸ think their robot modes are more glorious.
Airway heights, WA
May 26, 2017
I've been a Ravage fan since the original cartoon aired, and all previous official versions have been ok, but very limited due various constrictions. I had huge hopes for MP Ravage after the excellent MP Laserbeak and Buzzsaw were revealed, but it fell short. MMC have created an excellent larger scale Ravage with a well designed transformation, and by far the most articulated jaguar mode of any release. The articulation does have its limits as other reviews attest, and the cassette mode is rather bland without markings, but let's face it, you're not buying this guy to display in cassette mode, and the all black cat looks great. I chose to apply Reprolabels, and it makes a nice difference, and IMHO, even enhances the jaguar mode in a way that says 'Transformer'. If you're a G1 Ravage fan, I highly recommend Jaguar. Great to display, awesome to play around with, and looks good next to his MP Decepticon compatriots.
Prince albert, Saskatchewan
May 19, 2017
Ok. MMC you gave us the best possible Ravage that we as fan-boy/girls could ever hope for. He looks to scale. He has a simple and enjoyable transformation. He fits perfectly with MP scaled figures (I have him trying to bite Bumblebee's face off). He tricks people into thinking you are handing them a cassette tape.
Love it. Buy it. Play with it.
Brooklyn, NY
December 16, 2016
Overall, it's a great product. Nice die cast and built. Fun transformation. Most of all, I love the creative packaging with the cassette insert as the manual and such.
However, for it's size and price, it could of used more joints for more poses. His head should be able to move up and down, and side to side more. He should be able to do some standard cat sit poses. I wish is paw can swing down so I can make it look like he was trotting.
Also, a slight tolerance issue where the missile snapped off on first transformation. And I was super careful too. It broke like a old dried cracker. The missiles should of been die cast too.
Anyway, I'm still keeping it, but wish there was more.
Memphis, TN
August 31, 2016
Honestly if I could give this 4 and 1/2 stars I would, but if I gotta choose between 4 and 5 out of 5, Jaguar is a 5.
The only little gripes I would have are that his head can't look up or even side to side very much and the cassette mode lacks the needed detail to bring it together as a cassette and not a jigsaw puzzle, but you can buy reprolabel stickers that fix the look of the cassette.
With a cassette case the tape mode fits into and the instructions being just like old cassette lyric sheets that fits inside the case, this has a great nostalgic feel, and the kitty mode itself looks fantastic. Genius transformation too that is pretty fun after you know how to do it.
Emmaus, PA
July 26, 2016
I'm very happy with this one. Yes, the beast mode might be out of scale with pretty much anything else, but it's the right size for the alt-mode: a standard sized cassette (not the micro-cassettes for the MP line). The first couple times the transformation was a bit fiddly, but it's fairly easy with a some practice.
Redondo beach, California
June 11, 2016
minus one star because it can't sit like a cat. maybe i'm just an idiot but the hind legs was frustrating to deal with.
Dekalb, IL
May 28, 2016
Was on the fence about this guy before I got him, still on the fence after. I agree that the MP cassettes ended up being too small in robot/beast modes so they could fit in Soundwave's chest in cassette mode. However, I can't help but feel that this guy might now be a bit too big. Maybe it's just because he's standing next to MP Frenzy and Rumble on my shelf right now, but I just feel like something in between might have been better. The quality of the figure is top notch, and he looks amazing alone with Soundwave or any of the larger Decepticons. Part of the problem, I'm sure, is that the original cartoon was all over the place with scale. He would come up to Soundwave's knee in one scene, and then be roughly the same size as Spike or Sparkplug in another. (He looks like a freaking behemoth next to any of my human figures) So, all in all, I think this one really depends how you plan to display him. The quality and design are both without flaw, but he might look a little big compared to some of the smaller figures.
Omaha, Nebraska
May 08, 2016
Just what the doctor ordered. Saw the video for this figure on you tube, and tried to order one but they were sold out. TF had a pre order listed soon afterword and I jumped on it.
The figure is fantastic, I like the metal and plastic combination and the beast mode is great. This figure is way over due. The G1 and other figures have always been lacking, but this one is great.
The transforming is a little tough but a couple of tries it gets easier. The masterpiece scale is great, I don't care that the cassette is to big it fits nicely with the masterpiece figures. I hope some of the other classic G1 figures are on their list ill order one of each right now.
P.S. need a cage accessory
Carlisle, PA
May 05, 2016
If you're like me, scale gets to you from time to time. Hasbro did a nice job with MP Soundwave's cassettes, but in beast mode they are, ultimately, too small. Enter RMX-01. While the tape mode is oversized, and relatively useless, that's not why you buy this guy. The beast mode if fabulous. Great design, construction, and quality. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.
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